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Knowing and Naming:

The Roots of Ethno-Ornithology
Friday 26th January, 2024
6pm - 8.30pm
Linnean Society of London
Piccadilly London W1J 0BF
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I will be holding a Meetup sign at the reception after the talk


Knowing and Naming:

The Roots of Ethno-Ornithology

In November 2023 the American Ornithological Society announced its intention to rename all eponymous English bird names. It was the result of a long process of deliberation driven by growing concerns over the political processes influencing naming during earlier centuries. The decision to rename birds, which has been widely reported in both the public and scientific press, focuses attention on the politics of naming and on the question of what makes a ‘good’ bird name. The lecture will consider this question through the analysis of 7000 recorded English folk names of British Birds. Mostly collected during the 19th century, the names indicate both the intimate knowledge of birds held by country folk in the British Isles, and the sophistication of their naming. This contrasts with the results of recent studies suggesting that many people in Britain today cannot name five native species of bird. The lecture will consider why good bird names may help to restore people’s connection with nature.

Andrew Gosler FLS is Professor of Ethno-ornithology at the University of Oxford, where he holds a joint position between the Edward Grey Institute of Field Ornithology (Dept. of Biology) and the Institute of Human Sciences (School of Anthropology) of which he is Director. Many years studying bird ecology and the influence of humans on birds, made him aware of the influence of birds on humans. His research now focuses on how recognising such reciprocal relationships is increasingly essential for nature conservation.