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A Taste For Adventure

Monday 25th November, 2019
7.00 to 9.00 pm
Imperial College theatre 300
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A Taste For Adventure

What does it feel like to be at the top of Mount Everest? How can you achieve the impossible?
Melanie Windridge is a physicist, speaker, writer… with a taste for adventure.

She has travelled the world, worked in fashion, gained a doctorate in fusion energy, made inventions for technology companies, appeared on TV, climbed mountains and written books. She works for Tokamak Energy, a fusion start-up working towards commercial fusion power. She has skied out across Arctic Svalbard to see the northern lights. She has climbed Everest to highlight the science that makes it safer.

Following Melanie’s journey from childhood to the present day, we find out how Melanie has built a career around her two passions of science and adventure, and how she has come to recognise that the common theme in the elements of her career is the notion of achieving the “impossible”.

Attending this event
Please register in advance for your place - tickets will be checked on entry to the event.

On the night, please arrive before 18.55 to secure your seat. At this time, if you have not arrived, we may give your seat to someone else as we expect there to be high demand.