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Conjuring Body Images

Friday 30th November, 2018
6.00 for 6.30 to 7.30pm
Institute of Physics
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You can find us at the reception from six or after the event holding a discreet meetup sign.  After the event we will go to a Pret close to Regent's Park Station for a coffee and socializing .  See main page for details.


Conjuring Body Images

Speaker: Prof Ela Claridge.         Roentgen's first x-ray showed directly the result of the interaction of radiation with body tissues, captured on a photographic plate. Today, medical images are acquired using different forms of energy and sensors, and more often than not they are the result of complex computational processing. Physics, mathematics, computer science, physiology and other disciplines all contribute to the process. This talk will explain how these images are produced, while examining the reality of the resulting computer generated images that doctors use.

Refreshments are served from 6pm on the day of the lecture.

Lectures held at 6.30pm, Franklin Room, Institute of Physics HQ, 80 Portland Place, London, W1B 1NT.