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Solar Astronomy

Tuesday 26th June, 2018
12:00 to 4:30
Regents Park, London
 Map  Travel

Drop in anytime from midday.  Make your way to the solar observatory area as indicated on the Google Map shown above.  The nearest entrance is Hanover Gate but you can make your way to the site from anywhere in the park.  Look for a green gingham table cloth surrounded by large green groundsheets.


Solar Astronomy

See our nearest star as you never have before. The Baker Street Irregulars will give you the opportunity to view the sun with an array of eye safe devices and telescopes. Drop in any time after midday.  Expect to see solar flares and sun spots as well as having your questions answered.   Never look directly at the sun.   As this event is dependent on having a cloudless sky it may be cancelled or some details changed. Look back nearer the time.

Lets have a lazy and decadent day in relaxing  surroundings, enjoying conversation over some food and a cocktail or two.  Take time to talk to the lovely astronomers. I cant charge for this event as I would be breaking so many laws.  however if after attending a few picnics then a small bottle of dark rum to share with others would be welcome.  Usually there are restrictions on numbers who can attend picnics in parks but not for this event.  However please update your RSVP so I have some idea how much booze to bring for the cocktails. 

I will bring

  • Groundsheets to seat about 15 people
  • A little food to share
  • Ingredients for rum based cocktails, shaken Mojito, Daiquiri and Pina Colada
  • a few paper plates, plastic glasses and cutlery

Please bring food for yourself and maybe some small thing (that can be repackaged and taken away if its not consumed) to share

It will be helpful if you can bring something to sit on, eat off and maybe a plastic or paper cup large enough for a tall drink.